Mosaics on Etsy...

Fractals on Etsy...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Am I a Vlogger or a Blirgin?

Yep, that's right, I'm a virgin blogger. Not sure quite what to expect or do. But here I am!
The ONLY reason I'm doing this is that I got exciting news the other day. MOO has asked me to be a designer for them! YAY! Moo is such a cool site. If you haven't checked it out - take a look. http://moo.com/ You can get really fabulous business cards, notecards, sticker, and a brand new item - postcards. If you have your own pictures or images you can upload those onto your cards. Or if you don't have your own images - you can download my fractal designs (in Nov.)!!!!

The excitement I intially felt was soon followed by panic. I mean, check out the other nine designers on MOO. http://moo.com/designs/ They've all got websites you can click on- so professional and slick! And they've got products and stuff - lots of stuff. I've got nothin'.

My dear friends on Etsy suggested a blog. So here I am. Blogging away!
This whole fractal art thing is pretty interesting. Not only do I get to create beautiful images but I also save hundreds in therapy. If you're wondering what the heck a fractal is - stay tuned - I'll post more on that later.
But for now, I also want you to know that I am a mosaic artist too. I sell my items on Etsy. Feel free to look around! http://kcmosaics.etsy.com/


Amanda May said...

That bottom image is just gorgeous. Wow! I think this looks really great kc! Terrific job and congratulations!

kc said...

Thanks Amanda! I appreciate the comments. I have a feeling I'll be hitting you up for web design soon!